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If you really want to learn about knots (Tali-temali), you can learn from this blog.
Figure Eight Follow Through - The classic "tie in" knot.
Figure Eight On A Bight - Useful for backing up, belay set ups, etc.
In-line Figure Eight - Can be used to anchor the rope.
Double Figure Eight - Bunny Ears. Used to equalise two anchors.
Rethreaded Figure Eight - Used for joining two ropes.
Double Fisherman's - Used for joining two ropes, or making a loop of cord.
Overhand Knot - Used for joining two ropes. Least likely to get stuck.
Double Bowline - Alternative "tie in" knot, easier to untie, but with disadvantages too.
Prusik Knot - Friction knot, can be used to ascend a rope, backup an abseil, etc.
Klemheist & Autoblock - Friction knots similar to the Prusik, but movable under load.
Bachman - Friction knot that incorporates a carabiner "handle".
Clove Hitch - A useful knot for belay set ups. Easy to adjust.
Munter Hitch - A knot that can be used to belay and abseil (rappel).
Slip Knot - Useful for slinging horns and chickenheads.
Mariner's Knot - Useful for transferring a load. Releasable under load.
Garda Hitch - Knot that allows the rope to move in one direction only.
Stopper Knot - Handy as a backup, and more.
Girth Hitch - Also known as a Lark's Foot.
Alpine Butterfly - A useful in-line knot.
No Knot - For tying off a tree.
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