Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

Beverage-can Stove (Kompor Kaleng Minuman)

How to make Beverage-can Stove
1) The first thing you need is to prepare two beverage-can, scissors, cotton wood and Paku (dunno the english of this)
2) Then cut over both beverage-can and divide into two parts
3) Then the next step is to look at this picture and follow the following instructions LOL :)

This is the result of making beverage-can stove ^_^

And How to use Beverage-can Stove ? 
Just follow the instructions at below
1) Prepare a bottle of methanol, or spiritus (You can buy those things in chemical shops) for the fuel of stove

2) Fulfill the beverage-can stove into the main hole with care

3) Turn it on and you will get the blue fire like this ^.^

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