Here is the basic of Shelter
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
Selasa, 12 Juni 2012
Beverage-can Stove (Kompor Kaleng Minuman)
How to make Beverage-can Stove
1) The first thing you need is to prepare two beverage-can, scissors, cotton wood and Paku (dunno the english of this)
2) Then cut over both beverage-can and divide into two parts
Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: kapook
Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen.
3) Then the next step is to look at this picture and follow the following instructions LOL :)
Knots (Simpul)
Salam Komando !
If you really want to learn about knots (Tali-temali), you can learn from this blog.
Figure Eight Follow Through - The classic "tie in" knot.
Figure Eight On A Bight - Useful for backing up, belay set ups, etc.
In-line Figure Eight - Can be used to anchor the rope.
Double Figure Eight - Bunny Ears. Used to equalise two anchors.
Minggu, 03 Juni 2012
Making Anchor (Part 1)
Cordelette For Equalising Anchors
(Hantu Rimba does
not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this article, or it's
suitability for the purpose. Use at your own risk)
ss and the damn anchors still don't look equalised. What's more that comfy seat has a spike of rock that is threatening your future plans for fatherhood. No time to shift it now.... "On belay!"
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Arti survival sendiri terdapat berbagai macam versi, yang akan kita bahas di sini hanyalah menurut versi pencinta alam
S : Sadar dalam keadaan gawat darurat
U : Usahakan untuk tetap tenang dan tabah
R : Rasa takut dan putus asa hilangkan
V : Vitalitas tingkatkan
I : Ingin tetap hidup dan selamat itu tujuannya
V : Variasi alam bisa dimanfaatkan
A : Asal mengerti, berlatih dan tahu caranya
L : Lancar, slaman, slumun, slamet
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